Psychosexual therapy 

Psychosexual therapy is the use of counselling to help address sexual problems. It is a talking-based treatment and doesn’t involve touch such as massage.

What happens in a therapy session? 

We will listen to you describe your problems and assess whether the cause is likely to be psychological, physical or a combination of the two.

Our counselling is a combination of behavioural exercises, CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), psychodynamic counselling and client-led counselling.

We provide counselling for both individuals or couples who are experiencing sexual problems such as:

  • difficulty with erections or ejaculation
  • difficulties with orgasm
  • painful sex
  • vaginismus or anodyspareunia
  • low sexual desire
  • porn or sex addiction

Can we help?

Get in touch

If you require further information, please get in touch with us and a member of the team will contact you shortly.  

Alternatively, you can email us directly at