Porn Addiction & Sexual Problems
Unlike other forms of sexual addiction, pornography might not have started from an underlying psychological problem, but instead from the huge availability of porn online.
It can be a habit that causes a person to become hooked over time, without them realising that they are addicted, until it becomes a problem.
Porn Addiction is when a person becomes emotionally dependent on pornography, which then interferes with their daily routines and relationships.
Pornography creates unrealistic expectations of sex!
For people with this addiction who are in a relationship, they will find that it can make their sex life less satisfactory.
- It can make them less satisfied with their partner.
- It can create unrealistic expectations of how their partner should look or behave during sex.
- You might be using pornography to avoid other problems within the relationship
Either individuals or couples are invited to seek counselling if the problem is impacting on their relationship, regardless of which partner has the addiction.
Problems with Porn Addiction
- If left untreated it can lead to impotence and performance anxiety.
- It might cause you to take risks such as accessing pornography whilst at school or college, at work or in inappropriate places or situations.
- You might be using pornography to escape other psychological matters such as anxiety, insomnia, low-self-esteem, or other mental health issues.
- You might neglect other responsibilities in order to view pornography
- The more you become addicted, the more extreme pornography might be required to give you the same release
- You might get into financial difficulties
Sexual Addiction
Sex addiction is a set of behaviours that are escalating or have become out of control, and which cause harm, and can impact on our family life and personal relationships.
Unlike porn addiction, which can be caused by the sheer volume and high-speed availability on the internet, and then gradually develop into a habit, sex addiction is usually more serious. It might come instead from a deep rooted trauma, or a previous life-event, and sometimes from childhood experiences. Your counsellor will need to establish what these are, and you will need to be open about your childhood and past to get to the root of the problem.
Sex addiction might cause you to indulge in;
- Compulsive use of pornography
- Excessive masturbation
- Continually seeking and having affairs behind your partners back
- Exhibitionism and exposing yourself in public
- Partaking in fetishes, and encouraging others to do so
- Using sex workers or sex chat lines
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