Grief & Trauma

We have all had to cope with a different way of life over the past couple of years, and adding TRAUMA, GRIEF, BEREAVEMENT, LOSS and PTSD into to the mix has caused many people to seek suffer and need therapy. 

Nothing can prepare us for loss;

  • You might feel shock and numbness, pain, anger, or even guilt.
  • Some people still believe that they can see or hear a person after they have died.
  • Pain can show itself as physical feelings such as appetite and digestion
  • You might have trouble sleeping.
  • Some people will develop anxiety

If left untreated, all of these could turn into depression

Your trained counsellor will be caring and understanding. They can help you to understand what the stages of grief are, and what you can do to cope at this difficult time.

Can we help?

Get in touch

If you require further information, please get in touch with us and a member of the team will contact you shortly.  

Alternatively, you can email us directly at